Horse riding and plans...
Yesterday was horse riding, and we had a great time! The horses were as expected - not thoroughbreds and kind of tired looking, though they weren't in too bad condition. Some of them were quite feisty - mine and Miguel's would regularly assert their place in the herd by biting or kicking nearby rivals as they went past each other! Deri's was the quickest, somehow maintaining the lead despite stopping to graze all the time, and Sal's was called Apache, a tall warhorse ... no only kidding ... it really was quite a steed though.
Anyway, so we rode to some of the Inca ruins including the Temple of the Moon. The ruins themselves weren't that impressive really, though the Temple of the Moon had a cool sacrificial altar. Altogether it took about 4 hours, and by the end we were pretty tired, and me and Sal caught the sun. We got the bus back to Cusco and found a nice chinese restaurant, which cost 7 soles (a couple of quid) and we had so much that me and Sal got doggie bags and just had chinese for lunch too - how's that for value!!
Bad news is we checked our tickets and discovered I'm actually coming back on the 23rd when I thought we were leaving on the 27th, so we have less time in Peru. So we're not going to be able to go to Lake Titicaca or Bolivia. Instead we're going to bus straight down from Cusco to Nazca, do the Nazca lines, then go to Pisco which is full of wildlife, then up to Lima to catch... our flights out of South America... damnnnnn!! I don't want to leave, really loving Peru but hey, when you gotta go.....
Inca Trail is tomorrow, we leave at 4am!!!! See ya on the other side of Machu Pichu!